ANTIAIDS foundation entered the finalists’ panel of the MIPTV pitch on AIDS programming

ANTIAIDS Foundation submitted several ideas in different categories and entered the finalists panel with the idea promoting safe sex titled “Accident or rule” This TV-spot is a joint product of the ANTIAIDS Foundation and PROVID BBDO advertising agency. In the funny and soft way it delivers the message that condoms can save your life and the only way to protect yourself is to always use condoms.
Ukraine has the highest prevalence rate in Eastern Europe today – 1.4 % and experts say that if the country does nothing by the year 2010 this figure can hit the 10% level. While drug users still comprise a majority of HIV cases, there are more and more people who get HIV through sexual relations.
The sexual way of HIV transmission prevails almost in all countries deeply affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemics.
The MIPTV is the worldwide digital and content market for broadcasters. It initiated the AIDS programming pitch in frames of the Global Media AIDS Initiative.
Golbal Media AIDS initiative was launched by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in order to involve worldwide media leaders in the fight against AIDS. The first meeting took place in January 2004 in New-York City. The second will happen in Cannes, France, on April 12th 2005.
In January, 2004, Kofi Annan invited Victor Pinchuk, shareholder of ICTV channel, and Elena Pinchuk, founder of the ANTIAIDS foundation, to join the first meeting of the Global Media AIDS Initiative. They both committed to investing their resources in the fight against AIDS. They launched the first, private funded campaign “Let’s stop AIDS”. 5 leading Ukrainian TV channels joined the campain and invested around 5 million USD in the broadcast. The intensity of the “Let’s stop AIDS media campaign” was equal to the biggest commercial brands.
Upon invitation of Kofi Annan, Victor and Elena Pinchuk will also participate in this second meeting of the global media AIDS initiative in Cannes, April 12th.
This year meeting of the GMAI members in Cannes will give chance to the worldwide known broadcasters to exchange experience and enlarge their commitments for the future. Bill Clinton 42th President of the USA, who is well known for his active fight against AIDS, will be the special keynote speaker at this event.
For detailed information, please, contact Pavel Piminov, Communications Director, Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation on E-mail: [email protected]. Contact phone number: +38 (044) 490 4805.