The conversations about HIV/AIDS will become more creative

In 2004 the ANTIAIDS Foundation acquired a lot of new partners that allowed us to involve additional technical assistance and international experience to the projects concerning HIV/AIDS fight in Ukraine. The Foundation actively participated in the Global Media AIDS Initiative programs as well. Participation in the meeting that took place in New York enables the Foundation to plan and conduct informational campaigns taking into account international experience in designing and evaluation.
During the meeting, the NGO representatives, mass-media, the high-level advertising agencies and creative studios discussed the most successful and efficient social campaigns in media, approaches to the messaging about HIV/AIDS, presented the results of the best campaigns.
Christian Jofre, the MTV creative director, introduced the presentation “Re-evolution of the informational campaign on HIV/AIDS” that caused a real concern of the public. His presentation demonstrated the social PSAs collected in every region of the world.
Several campaigns on HIV/AIDS were introduced to discuss effective approaches to information campaigns planning and realizations:
- The campaign developed by Russian Media Partnership and started in Russia on December, 1, 2004;
- The Indian feature film about HIV-positive girl;
- Multiformatted campaign "Love Life", running in Africa.
As result of New York meeting the burst of creative activity in the sphere of HIV/AIDS and introduction of new approaches for the information delivery to young people in different countries are expected.
In January 2004 Elena Pinchuk the ANTIAIDS Foundation founder together with co-founder and her husband Viktor Pinchuk, were invited to take part in the UN Global Media AIDS Initiative at the invitation of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. The representatives of Ukraine at a gathering of 40 of the world’s leading media executives committed themselves to using the tools of mass media to overcome ignorance on HIV/AIDS and mobilize public action. Secretary-General Kofi Annan even assisted the initiative of the Ukrainian delegation by recording “Let’s Stop AIDS” phrase in all the official UN languages – and in Ukrainian. Today the “Let’s Stop AIDS” campaign has achieved unprecedented visibility but it has also achieved its main goal of uniting different commercial TV channels to fight AIDS in Ukraine. This campaign has created a precedent of conducting socially oriented events at a national level in Ukraine.
For detailed information, please, contact Pavel Piminov, Communications Director, Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation on e-mail: [email protected]. Contact phone number: +38 (044) 490 4805.