Elton John AIDS Foundation
Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation and Elton John AIDS Foundation have been collaborating since 2007.
Elton John and Queen with Adam Lambert performed a grand charity concert in Kiev
1 July, 2012 13:49
Legendary musicians Elton John and the band Queen, along with Adam Lambert, performed a concert in the main square of Kiev on June 30th, 2012. The concert was organized by the Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation and dedicated to the fight against AIDS. It attracted more than 150,000 people in the official fan zone of EURO 2012.
Elton John AIDS Foundation / Elena Pinchuk Foundation

It is estimated that more than 250,000 people in total attended on Khreschatyk and neighboring streets. During five hours of live television broadcast, aired on three national television channels, this show was watched by more than 17 million Ukrainian viewers!

Our special project about the concert is


KIEV, JUNE 30th, 2012 

The day before the EURO 2012 final Elton John and Queen with Adam Lambert performed a concert in the main square of Ukraine

Elton John AIDS Foundation / Elena Pinchuk Foundation
9 November, 2011 13:07
On November 9, 2011 in Kiev the founders of the Elton John AIDS Foundation (EJAF) and the Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation (EPAAF) presented to journalists their second joint charitable project.
Беспризорные девушки говорят о своей судьбе и о СПИДе
О своих судьбах и о ВИЧ/СПИДе говорят беспризорные девушки, которым помогает совместный благотворительный проект СПИД-Фонда Элтона Джона и Фонда Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД». Его цель - открыть девушкам и молодым женщинам, уязвимым к инфицированию ВИЧ, доступ к тестированию на ВИЧ-инфекцию и к жизненно важной для них помощи - социальной, медицинской, юридической.
Elton John AIDS Foundation / Elena Pinchuk Foundation
9 November, 2013 13:26
"Children Plus" is the joint project of the Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation and the Elton John AIDS Foundation. The goal of this five-year project which is implemented by the All Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV is to improve the lives of children born to HIV-positive mothers; integrate them into their social environment, change society's attitude towards these children and help them move from orphanages to foster families, new parents and guardians.
On October, 2010, Victor and Elena Pinchuk were honored at the Elton John AIDS Foundation's (EJAF) 9th annual An Enduring Vision benefit at Cipriani Wall Street (New York). For the first time since the ceremony's inception, the award was presented to representatives from Eastern Europe.
Elton John AIDS Foundation / Elena Pinchuk Foundation
20 October, 2011 13:58
8 ноября 2011 года, через четыре года после знаменитого благотворительного концерта на Майдане Независимости и через два года после своего визита в Макеевку Элтон Джон возвращается в Украину. Во время этого визита знаменитый певец присоединится к украинским звездам, которые участвуют в проекте Фонда Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД» «Звезды на продажу», помогая собрать средства на новейшее оборудование по очистке донорской крови для Киевского областного центра крови, и презентует новый совместный проект двух фондов, который начнется в ноябре 2011 года.
International Art Project
25 January, 2016 21:32
This Valentine’s Day, the day of international love, Elton John and a host of singers, artists, writers and sports people are showing their love by pricking their fingers, creating a spot of blood and tweeting the image accompanied by the words ‘Love Is In Our Blood’. 60 second commercial made by Ai Weiwei Studio for the Elton John AIDS Foundation.
A 30 sec and 60 sec version of Wei Wei’s commercial – which features the words ‘Love is in our blood’ over drops of blood and the sound of a heartbeat, will run simultaneously on 14th February on YouTube, and on screens in Times Square, Picadilly Circus and Independence Square in Kiev (supported by the Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation), Ukraine, which has the largest AIDS epidemic in Europe.
Love Is...

Elton John in Kiev! (2007)

Elton Jphn performed ‘Lion King’ song for HIV-positive kids

Фильм перед концертом Сэра Элтона Джона (2012)

Story of cooperation
Elton John AIDS Foundation / Elena Pinchuk Foundation
19 October, 2010 14:15
On Monday, October 18, 2010, Victor and Elena Pinchuk were honored at the Elton John AIDS Foundation's (EJAF) 9th annual An Enduring Vision benefit at Cipriani Wall Street (New York). The Pinchuks received EJAF's prestigious Enduring Vision Award for their significant contributions to the fight against AIDS in the Ukraine and for their generous support of EJAF's grant-making initiatives.
Элтон Джон о проекте помощи беспризорным женщинам 9 ноября 2011 года
«Защита молодых женщин и девушек - это ключевой фактор в победе над эпидемией ВИЧ/СПИДа по всему миру. Их физическая, социальная и экономическая уязвимость приводит к сексуальной эксплуатации, и как следствие - к ВИЧ-инфицированию. Именно поэтому так важно постоянно искать все новые и новые способы их защиты и поддержки. В этом и состоит задача нашего нового проекта».
Elton John about the "Children plus" project on September 12, 2009

'There was a time when it felt like each new national HIV epidemic failed to learn the lessons of the countries that came before them. I am proud that this programme is using successful global learning to accelerate action in Ukraine. I salute the government ministries that have embraced this project and thank the EFAA, the Network, RAA and Big Lottery Fund for their commitment to giving Ukraine's AIDS-affected children a future.'

Statement before the first Elton John concert in Ukraine on 16th June 2007
"My Foundation has funded twenty-three HIV/AIDS related projects in Ukraine over the last six years totaling over $2.6 million. This concert will enable us to fund future projects for around the same amount. <…> Without the close friendship and collaboration of my two very good friends, Elena and Victor Pinchuk and their Foundations, this concert, and our future partnership, would not be possible. I would like to dedicate the concert to them and to the many Ukrainians with HIV/AIDS that they have supported”.
Elton John AIDS Foundation / Elena Pinchuk Foundation
Elton John AIDS Foundation / Elena Pinchuk Foundation
12 September, 2009 15:29
On September 12, 2009 in a specialized orphanage for HIV-positive children the first results of the "Children plus" project were presented.
Глава СПИД-Фонда Элтона Джона Дэвид Ферниш в Макеевском доме ребенка 12 сентября 2009 года
Elton John AIDS Foundation / Elena Pinchuk Foundation
21 February, 2008 10:56
To support 1 500 children from problematic and disadvantaged families. To find families for the 96 orphans. To work with 3 000 teachers and preschool institutions’ nurses in order to reduce stigma. To help families where 1 000 HIV-positive children live to prepare children for status’ disclosure. Above mentioned are expected outcomes of 5 year project of Elton John AIDS Foundation and Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation – “Improving quality of life of HIV-positive children and their families”. This project was represented to main stakeholders and media in Kiev on February, 20, 2008.

16 ИЮНЯ 2007 ГОДА

Первый концерт Элтона Джона в Украине на Майдане Независимости был организован Фондом Елены Пинчук «АНТИСПИД», чтобы привлечь внимание к борьбе со СПИДом в Украине. На бесплатный благотворительный концерт на Майдане Независимости пришли 200 тысяч зрителей 

Elton John AIDS Foundation / Elena Pinchuk Foundation
16 June, 2007 20:47
On June, 16 in the context of the informative and educational program “On The Edge” the world-famous composer and singer Sir Elton John gave the free charitable concert organized by ANTIAIDS Foundation.
Виктор Пинчук и Елена Пинчук на первом в истории концерте Элтона Джона в Украине на Майдане Независимости
Elton John AIDS Foundation / Elena Pinchuk Foundation
16 June, 2007 12:00
David Furnish, the Head of Elton John AIDS Foundation, and Elena Pinchuk, ANTIAIDS founder, dedicated Saturday morning June, 16 to learning about HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ukraine. They were accompanied with both foundations’ specialists.


Дом ребенка "Березка" – единственный в Киеве, где живут ВИЧ-позитивные дети. Сотрудничество Фонда Елены Пинчук "АНТИСПИД" и СПИД Фонда Элтона Джона жизненно важно для обитателей "Березки" - основанный всемирно известным певцом Фонд имеет огромный опыт, в сфере социальной адаптации ВИЧ-позитивных детей.

Elton John AIDS Foundation / Elena Pinchuk Foundation
23 May, 2007 12:56
Established by Sir Elton John in 1992, the Elton John AIDS Foundation (EJAF) is one of the world’s leading nonprofit organizations supporting innovative HIV/AIDS prevention education programs and direct care and support services to people living with HIV/AIDS.


Since its founding in 1992, EJAF has raised over $160 million to support more than 1000 programs in 55 countries around the globe.