People living with HIV/AIDS need our support

In 2010, according to experts’ estimations, 10% of Ukrainian population may have HIV-positive status. During the last three years the number of newly registered HIV cases is doubled every year. According to the official data in 2004 every month on the average 32 new cases of HIV were registered. As to the experts’ estimations every day in 2004 more than 180 people contracted HIV. Problems that HIV-positive people face today may become yours in the coming days…
Medical assistance is not the only thing that people living with HIV/AIDS need, they need our understanding and support. That is why the PSA “Butterfly” was created in order to impel people to the humanity and forming positive emotional background, which will help to change the attitude towards people living with HIV/AIDS.
Very important stage in developing campaign was discussions with “All-Ukrainian Network of people living with HIV/AIDS”. During several meetings the problems that HIV-infected people face were discussed.
Vladimir Zhovtyak, Head of Coordination Council of All-Ukrainian Network of people living with HIV/AIDS: “The efforts made by ANTIAIDS Foundation to change the real attitude towards HIV-positive people in Ukraine, is very important for us. We hope that after media campaign, which now is going to be broadcasted on national TV, our society will become at least a bit more attentive and tolerant towards people living with HIV/AIDS. This attitude sometimes may be even more important than the material support. Sometimes the word of support may save human life…”.
For detailed information, please, contact Pavel Piminov, Communications Director, Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation on e-mail: [email protected]. Contact phone number: +38 (044) 490 4805.