27 August, 2004 07:57

Evaluation of the "Let’s stop AIDS!" campaign' results. Study of the attitude of Ukrainians towards HIV/AIDS

The given research sums up the first semiannual stage of the Foundation activity in the field of informational and educational projects. Within the research framework two tasks has been solved. First, the estimation of the first stage of the Foundation communications according to the world accepted standards of media campaigns evaluation. Second, measurement of the basic indicators required for monitoring and estimation.

The purposes of research:

  1. Estimation of the first stage of informational campaign
  2. Obtaining basic indicators on the following directions:
  • Level of involvement of the general population into the problem (problem actualization degree).
  • Level of awareness about HIV/AIDS problem; ways of HIV/AIDS transmission and protection.

Target audience:


  • Sex: men, women.
  • Age: 12 - 50 years old.


  • Personal interview at the respondent residence.
  • The part of a questionnaire was given to the respondent for self-filling.
  • Duration of one interview is 45-60 minutes.


  • 600 respondents.
  • 6 large Ukrainian cities representing different regions: Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Lvov, Kharkov, Odessa.
  • Peer quotas are given on sex, age groups and cities.

(According to ESOMAR children under 14 y.o. participated in the research' interviews only after parent's agreement and at their presence)

Executive Summary:

"Stop AIDS" campaign, carried out by the «ANTIAIDS» Foundation, caught sight of 50% of the Ukrainian population. Moreover, this campaign is virtually the only one noticeable campaign, according to respondents.

58-62% of respondents of those who have seen the PSAs are ready to change their casual sex and condom use habits. 56-74% will change their attitude towards health care (will be more careful about sterility of medical instruments and medical institutions overall); 60-66% perceived HIV/AIDS as a real threat for themselves and their close friends/family.

77% of respondents strongly/more likely agree with the statement that «Stop AIDS» campaign communicates that the problem of HIV/AIDS is urgent/topical for Ukraine. The main idea of the campaign (AIDS concerns everybody) was clear and comprehensive enough for people. A significant difference in attitudes toward HIV/AIDS problem between those who saw and didn’t see the «ANTIAIDS» PSAs was recorded. Those respondents who saw the PSAs have more accurate ideas about HIV/AIDS, ways of infection, etc.

A great part of respondents have seen at least one of «ANTIAIDS» PSAs (50% have seen «Child Sing-Song», 58% - «ZOOM»).

Evaluation of the spontaneous recall. 45% respondents who had seen at least one of the «ANTIAIDS» PSAs managed to recall a complete slogan of the "Stop AIDS" campaign.

Evaluation of aided recall. 90% of those who had seen at least one of the PSAs managed to recall with prompt that the PSA’s slogan was «Stop AIDS before it stops us”.

The main information that stuck to respondents’ mind was «To ignore AIDS problem is the first step towards infection» («Child Sing-Song» - 40%, «ZOOM» - 41%), «One has to learn more about HIV/AIDS to protect oneself and one's close friends from being infected» («Child Sing-Song» - 35%, «ZOOM» - 52%).

Significance level evaluation. On the whole, respondents state an average level of significance. They avoid both strongly positive and strongly negative evaluations.

Evaluation of the impression produced by campaign. The impression produced by «ZOOM» was evaluated as very strong/strong enough is 54%. The impression produced by «Child Sing-Song» as very strong/strong enough is 47%.

Interest' evaluation. More than a half of the respondents expressed a great/some interest in the PSAs (60% - «Child Sing-Song», 63% - «ZOOM»).

Desire to learn more about AIDS. The largest group of the respondents who have seen the PSAs, don’t mind to learn more about the problem, but would not do it themselves («Child Sing-Song» - 44%, «ZOOM» - 40%).

You can download a short version of this research.

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