ANTIAIDS Foundation have launched informational campaign to promote condom use

The PSA produced for this campaign, aimed at overcoming psychological barriers which young girls might have when they solve the dilemma of refusing unprotected sex. The PSA was specially created for the Ukrainian audience, in view of its cultural and gender features.
For the first time the number of Help Hotline on HIV/AIDS 8-800-500-451 has appeared during the PSA broadcasting on the national TV channels. On this toll free number ones can call from any region of Ukraine in order to receive professional information about HIV/AIDS.
The announcements of the leading global expert organizations in the field of HIV/AIDS were caused by several factors. One of them is an epidemiological situation with HIV/AIDS in the world. The AIDS epidemic is not leveling off. In 2003, an estimated 4.8 million people became newly infected with HIV – more than in any previous year. About 50% of them were young people 15 to 24 years old, with young girls at greater risk of infection than boys.
In 2003, 10 005 of the new HIV cases were registered in Ukraine. The majority of infected people are aged from 20-39. Today the amount of HIV-positive women in Ukraine has reached 41% while in the beginning of epidemic the percentage of infected women did not exceed 25%. The main way of HIV transmission in Ukraine up to the present moment are IDUs, however experts are concerned with the raising quantity of sexual transmission of HIV.
In the position statement proclaimed the necessity of realization of the complex informational campaigns aimed at rising of frequency of condoms use. “…condoms advertising and promotion should be directed on overcoming of social and personal barriers at their use. The effective advertising campaign directed on condoms use, should be aimed not only at the general population, but also at people of higher risk of HIV exposure. The special attention should be paid to women, young people, sex workers and their clients, drug consumers, and also to the gays. The authors of the statement draw special attention to the gender aspect, explaining that women frequently become hostages of the situations and often unable to decide whether to use condoms or not.
The position statement of the World Healthcare Organization, UNAIDS and the fund of the population of the United Nations (details)
“The male latex condom is the single, most efficient, available technology to reduce the sexual transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. The search for new preventive technologies such as HIV vaccines and microbicides continues to make progress, but condoms will remain the key preventive tool for many, many years to come” – was declared in the statement. Also it is emphasized that condoms are a key component of combination prevention strategies including delay of sexual initiation, abstinence, being safer by being faithful to one’s partner when both partners are uninfected and consistently faithful, reducing the number of sexual partners, and correct and consistent use of condoms.
The statement shows the examples of the countries that can reduce the rates of HIV transmission due to the introduction of safe sex programs. It is said in the statement that condoms have helped to reduce HIV infection rates where AIDS has already taken hold and curtailed the broader spread of HIV in settings where the epidemic is still concentrated in specific populations. Recent analysis of the AIDS epidemic in Uganda has confirmed that increased condom use, in conjunction with delay in age of first sexual intercourse and reduction of sexual partners, was an important factor in the decline of HIV prevalence in the 1990s. Thailand’s efforts to de-stigmatize condoms and its targeted condom promotion for sex workers and their clients dramatically reduced HIV infections in these populations and helped reduce the spread of the epidemic to the general population. A similar policy in Cambodia has helped stabilize national prevalence, while substantially decreasing prevalence among sex workers. In addition, Brazil’s early and vigorous condom promotion among the general population and vulnerable groups has successfully contributed to sustained control of the epidemic.
For detailed information, please, contact Pavel Piminov, Communications Director, Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation on e-mail: [email protected]. Contact phone number: +38 (044) 490 4805.