For the first time in CIS, the surgery on valve replacement to the HIV-positive patient took place in Kiev

It is difficult to express the feelings of Pavel’s parents before and during the operation which lasted almost nine hours. But it is much more scaring to think how hundreds of patients live now with the diagnosis of “infective endocarditis”. The problem of HIV – infection and infective endocarditis is the real distress of Ukraine and according to specialists will grow each year. Number of patients who need surgical operation is getting bigger.
Svetlana Antonyak, chief of HIV/AIDS department of Institute of epidemiology and infectious diseases named after L. V. Gromachevsky of AMS of Ukraine: “This is real step forward, genuine breakthrough in medical care for HIV-positive people in Ukraine. My colleges from the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery, who were consulted by us before and after the operation, gave hope to many people. This is the hope to survive. They have shown to all the medical society that there is no need to be afraid of HIV – positive patients. During the communication and care after them the danger is equal to zero. Even at accidental deep pierce by needle during an operation the risk of being infected is very small – one tenth of percent. The risk decreases 70 percents more after post contact prophylaxis – till the total minimum.”
Aleksey Krikunov, surgeon conducted the operation, chief of surgeon department of infective endocarditis treatment of Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after N. M. Amosov of AMS of Ukraine: “This is the first operation on aortic valve replacement along with mitral and three-leaved valves repair in Ukraine. It has lasted for nine hours and has been performed in the conditions of cardiopulmonary bypass by the operating crew of eight. Then the patient has been transferred to the intensive therapy department where he has spent three days. He has been in contact with many doctors, about 30 in total. We have performed the operation in cooperation: protection means had been procured by the Foundation, the experts of HIV/AIDS department from Lavra clinic had been consulted us. The patient was in sufficiently poor condition, three valves had been affected. He may have lived without operation for only one or one and a half month.”
Gennadiy Knyshov, Doctor of Medicine, academician of AMS of Ukraine, Chief Executive of Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after N. M. Amosov of AMS of Ukraine: “Such operations are not unique in our practice. But we were first in CIS, who operated HIV-positive patient with such diagnosis. It was very important for us not only guarantee good results of the operation but protect our surgeons, as well. Therefore, during the operation were used only disposable robes, catheters, incubative tubes, syringes and etc. ”
By the request of surgeons, ANTIAIDS Foundation procured for the operation and donated in kind to the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery sterile medical ANTIAIDS outfits, sheets, few kinds of diapers, surgeon outfits, various robes, shoe covers, medical gloves, aprons, eye shields, facial masks and masks with protective shields, necessary sterilizers. Foundation has promised to cover the costs of temperature gages and has helped parents to cover the cost of high-priced analysis, as well.
Pavel’s story is coming to its relatively happy end. Doctors have saved his life, and he is going to fight for it farther on. Doctors are preparing to write scientific works on this case. And hundreds of people, whose life now estimates by months and weeks, are waiting from doctors to take life saving decisions.
Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after N. M. Amosov of AMS of Ukraine - is the leading institution on providing new methods and techniques in cardiovascular surgery.
Institute of epidemiology and infectious diseases named after L. V. Gromachevsky of AMS of Ukraine – leading institution in Ukraine on problems of epidemiology, microbiology, virology, infectious diseases, the leader in solving problems of man infectious pathologies. In 1987 there was opened HIV/AIDS department, which is main clinical base on HIV/AIDS treatment and research.
For detailed information, please, contact Pavel Piminov, Communications Director, Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation on e-mail: [email protected]. Contact phone number: +38 (044) 490 4805.