A new batch of dolutegravir was delivered to Ukraine for the treatment of HIV-positive patients in Kyiv

In 2017-1018 for the first time in Eastern Europe, HIV-positive patients will receive antiretroviral therapy at the expense of private funds. The budget of the project is more than 6,5 million hryvnia. The procurement partner is the All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV which is our project partner as well. Thanks to the partnership initiative supported by the ANTIAIDS Foundation, Ukraine received the sixth-generation drug for HIV-positive people at an incredibly low price of 170 dollars per annual course. This will halve the cost of treatment, and in 2018 without a doubt twice as many people will have an access to life-saving therapy.
This drug is much more effective and less toxic than the remedies used today. It should be taken only once a day, which simplifies the treatment process and reduces the number of people who can refuse it.
According to the operational information of the Kyiv City AIDS Center, as of July 1st, Kyiv has 12 323 registered patients. 7 682 of them receive antiretroviral therapy.
For detailed information, please, contact Pavel Piminov, Communications Director, Elena Pinchuk Foundation: +380 44 490 4805, [email protected].