26 April, 2019 11:14
Presentation of T-shirts with prints against gender stereotypes "Don’t label others!".
On April 18, 2019, Elena Pinchuk Foundation project "I Can!" and the platform of Ukrainian brands "Vsi. Svoi" presented a capsule line of women's T-shirts with prints against gender stereotypes "Don’t label others!".

Five themed models were created within the framework of the competition. Over 100 designers, apparel manufacturers and institutions from all over Ukraine participated in it. The purpose of the project was to encourage people to get rid of the stereotypes about women, people’s biases and to stop splitting the world based on gender. During the presentation, the T-shirts created by the winner of the competition, Charitable Foundation "Friends of the Museum" in partnership with the Odesa Art Museum, represented by Inna Bilous, Maria Kazakova, Daria Filippova and Julia Berdyarova, were demonstrated.
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