Olena Pinchuk Foundation presents a capsule collection of t-shirts to celebrate the anniversary of signing the Istanbul Convention

The collection is based on the preamble and Article 3 of the Istanbul Convention, which emphasize the issues of gender equality in today's Ukraine and the world. The project has two components. The content is the value of a t-shirt, its ability to be more than just clothing, the ability to say, remind you of important things that affect everyone in everyday life. The shape – the t-shirt has its own special design that combines style and convenience, freedom of movement and no restrictions.
That is why the t-shirt which is the simplest and at the same time the necessary element of clothing, frees you from the need to choose between a convenient clothing and content. It combines zmist (freedom of expression) and forma (freedom of movement).
This project will be supported by Ukrainian women – opinion leaders. They will post photos in social networks and tell about their own lives when they witnessed brutal treatment of women and domestic violence.
The full zmist&forma collection is on the site fashion-aid.in.ua.
Alina Romanchenko is the author of the collection. She is a participant of the Olena Pinchuk Foundation "I Can" project, a volunteer, a member of the Open University of Reforms (VUR) and Aiesec Antalya. "Satisfaction with the process is an integral part of the result. Therefore, the most pleasant feeling for me is the feeling of being tired from moving upwards. Through this project, we draw public’s attention to the everyday situations that occur to women, usually when using public transport, underground tunnels, or during regular strolls through the streets. Notes, comments, touching are expressions of the psychological violence that you should be aware of, should talk about, and should resist and eradicate", – commented Alina Romanchenko.
Istanbul Convention – The Council of Europe Convention on the prevention and combating violence against women and domestic violence. It was signed on May 11, 2011 in Istanbul. It is a revolutionary document and the first international legally binding act potentially open to any country in the world, which provides a comprehensive range of measures to prevent and counteract violence. The Convention recognizes violence against women as a violation of human rights and as a form of discrimination. It also establishes a clear link between the achievement of equality between women and men and the elimination of violence against women.
The "I Can!" project (ican.org.ua) is designed to enable women who became famous through their successful work in politics, business, fashion, social and charity projects to share their success stories and achievements and support young women who are just beginning their journey. The project is being implemented with the assistance of the Coca-Cola Foundation.
Fashion AID (fashion-aid.in.ua) is a social brand created by the Olena Pinchuk Foundation, which presents t-shirts with author's prints. This is the first charity online store in Ukraine, which provides an opportunity for anyone to contribute to the help of HIV-positive children and the fight against the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ukraine. All raised funds are directed to help children living with HIV.
For detailed information, please, contact Pavel Piminov, Communications Director, Olena Pinchuk Foundation: +380 44 490 4805, [email protected].