The documentary film "How to survive a plague". World history of the fight against AIDS and the fate of Ukraine

Screening of the film that received awards of many prestigious festivals will take place on November 30th at 19:30 at the cinema "Kiev", Hall "Cinematick". After the session on the initiative of the Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation and the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, Ukrainian AIDS activists and experts will discuss the film and describe the challenges and consequences for HIV-positive people in Ukraine.
To register for the preview of the film, please send a request to [email protected]. If you want to send a comment for discussion before the session, please contact us in advance by sending e-mail to [email protected]. Detailed information can be found on the project site, as well as a movie trailer.
The film "How to survive a plague", which the New York Times called "powerful and heartwarming", is a story of two local organizations ACT UP and TAG, whose activity and innovative approach changed the history of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. This drama is about people who faced the danger of their own peril and demonstrated that AIDS is no longer a death sentence. Despite the lack of appropriate scientific training, they found a way to influence the pharmaceutical industry, promoting the invention of new drugs and in record time to expediting them from the experimental research stage of to that of approved pharmaceuticals for patients.
With access to archival snapshots of 1980's and 1990's, which had not been seen by anyone, filmmaker David France immerses the viewer in the atmosphere of contradictory actions of heroes and their intense disputes, severe defeats and cheerful breakthroughs.
Information about the film is available on the website of the Festival of American independent films:,
The panelists who shall participate in the discussion about the film are Dmitry Sherembey (UCAB, a HIV-positive activist), Yana and Lisa - two girls who were born with HIV-diagnosis, Olga Stefanishina (UCAB, HIV-negative activist).
The Independent American Movie Festival will be held in Kiev from November 27th to December 2nd. It is supported by the U. S. Embassy in Ukraine and the festival under the slogan "Independent films for independent people" presents the Ukrainian viewer an independent movies of the United States; it demonstrates the new ideas and original perspectives on social, religious and political issues. The festival program includes feature films and documentaries, nominees and winners of the festival of independent movies in Sundance, Woodstock and others. More information can be found on
The ANTIAIDS Foundation ( was founded by Elena Pinchuk in 2003 and is the first and the only privately funded anti-AIDS charity in Ukraine. The foundation aims to operate on all levels - from national projects to direct support to individuals affected by the HIV epidemic. The Foundation is known for implementing innovative and interactive projects using web-based technologies.
Over the nine years of its work the Foundation has focused upon HIV/AIDS prevention and provision of assistance to people living with HIV/AIDS. The Foundation also regularly provides assistance to orphanages and hospitals where HIV-positive children live, and receive treatment. The Foundation initiated mobile clinics to help HIV-positive children living in remote regions of Ukraine. The Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation develops and implements social preventive and educational programs aimed at young people. Among them are the projects for homeless girls and young women who are vulnerable to the HIV infection (jointly with Elton John AIDS Foundation). The Foundation also implements innovative interactive projects using web-based technologies: social service with Google, online auction "Stars for sale" with, Fashion AID, and the joint project with the Coca-Cola Foundation - Safe Connection are primary examples.
For detailed information, please, contact Pavel Piminov, Communications Director, Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation: +380 44 490 4805, [email protected].