ANTIAIDS Foundation and Nokia Trends Lab fighting against AIDS by launching creative labs

Since February, 4 ANTAIAIDS Foundation gave an access to the initial audio files of the song "Save the Love". Now everyone has an opportunity to create its own version of this song or video for it. During two months creative labs will be working both as studios for developing new variants of the song and platforms for sharing information about HIV/AIDS. By creating personal version of the song young musicians and producers can attract attention of the peers to the AIDS problem, tell them how risky is underestimating of the HIV-infection.
Participants of the labs will create their future hits with the help of mentors who will comment submitted works, give professional advices, and at the end of the contest - nominate the best works. The most interesting works will be aired live on Novy channel, and the authors will be invited to the studio to present their works. The best video will be aired on M1 channel, and the best audio version will be aired on "Russian Radio Ukraine".
Professional pop-singers also expressed the desire to make their own cover-versions of the song that will appear a
The results of the contest will be summed up on April,2 2010.
For detailed information about rules of the contest and its organizers, please, contact
History of the project
The song was aired live on December,6 2009 on Novy TV channel during gala-concert of the most popular TV show of this season - "Star factory 3". It was performed by Factory' participants and a guest of the Star' house - HIV-positive young man. By ANTIAIDS Foundation' request he was staying at the Star House together with its inhabitants. The same day and the same show presented new social TV spot of Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation "Chain". That TV spot and presence of a special guest inspired project' participants and music producer of "Star Factory 3" Konstantyn Meladze to create and perform a single. Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation launched the "Chain" TV spot on Novy, ICTV, STB, M1 and QTV channels on December, 7.
For detailed information, please, contact Pavel Piminov, Communications Director, Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation on e-mail: [email protected]. Contact phone number: +38 (044) 490 4805.