1 December, 2006 14:54

Sex, lie and foreign affairs

What is safe sex about? What is the truth and what is the lie in common view to HIV/AIDS? What do the students think about that? On December 1, 2006, on World AIDS Day, students of Institute of International Relationshipd named after T. Shevchenko talked about all that with the newsmakers of the youth musical TV channel M1, Vasya Frolova and Dmitriy Shepelev. This meeting, initiated by students themselves and Charity Department of the University, Youth UNESCO Foundation and Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation, demonstrated how to talk about serious things with humor and drive. It works much better than mournful lectures!
Sex, lie and foreign affairs / Elena Pinchuk Foundation

Even some of the lecturers stayed on the session till the very end, not telling about students. Probably it was the first time when they were lectured about AIDS on THEIR language. In crowded hall of Academic Council M1 presenters performed a real show. They even brought a doll named Vasilisa – modified copy of Vasya Frolova. The doll took part in the conversation as equal. It was an object for demonstration on all discussed topics – right up to the safe sex topic.

Alina Nosenko, the head of the Charity Department of Institute: "To be heard by student community some key ingredients are the must: a show, interactivity and a really interesting topic. We had all of that. Therefore, instead of the planned 40 minutes we talked more than one and a half hour. Ant it was very difficult to let our gests go – there were a lot of questions".

During the meeting the presenters announced a contest on the best slogan for the campaign against AIDS. All the participants of the contest were presented tactfully with valuable prizes – PC pads of ANTIAIDS Foundation from the "Best Sex: It's simple. Use a condom" series.

However, the main surprise of the day was not even the meeting, but the result of fundraising activity which lasted during the day. For each charitable contribution a donator got the red ribbon – the symbol of the World AIDS Day – and a stylish set of three fashionable pocket calendars, popularizing safe sex, and a condom in the similar black-red-white design wrapping. The condoms for the action were provided by "Contex", and the design of the wrapping was created by the advertising agency Provid/BBDO by the request of ANTIAIDS Foundation.

Evgenia Ogryzko, event co-organizer: "There was a real hunt in the middle of the day for those souvenirs! As the result – for the whole day we raised almost one and a half thousand USD, which will be donated by tradition to the Priluky’s Orphanage, where kids with HIV/AIDS live".

For detailed information, please, contact Pavel Piminov, Communications Director, Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation on e-mail: [email protected]Contact phone number: +38 (044) 490 4805.

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