4 February, 2005 09:54

World Economic Forum 2005: the founder of the ANTIAIDS Foundation, Elena Pinchuk, advocates to world wide leaders to fight against HIV/AIDS in Ukraine

Starting from January, 26th till January 30th, 2005 Elena Pinchuk, the founder of ANTIAIDS Foundation, as full member of the World Economic Forum-2005 took part in annual meeting of World Economic Forum in Davos. She has conducted series meetings with world wide leaders, celebrities and healthcare system specialists to join efforts in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Ukraine. Elena Pinchuk actively participated in the events, organized in frames of the Global Health Initiative of the World Economic Forum and had perfect opportunity to address HIV/AIDS issues in Ukraine directly to the world-wide known opinion makers and business leaders.
World Economic Forum 2005: the founder of the ANTIAIDS Foundation, Elena Pinchuk, advocates to world wide leaders to fight against HIV/AIDS in Ukraine / Elena Pinchuk Foundation
Author: Sergey Datsenko | Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation

Besides pre-scheduled seminars and discussion, Elena Pinchuk had personal meetings with Peter Piot, Executive Director of the UNAIDS and Trevor Neilson, Executive Director of the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS.

Discussing HIV/AIDS situation in Ukraine, Peter Piot said that additional resources are needed to overcome HIV escalation and emphasized the important role of the private sector involvement.

Attracting business recourses was the key topic at the meeting with Trevor Neilson as well. Executive director of the GBC on HIV/AIDS agreed that Ukraine has unleashed potential for business leaders to demonstrate the effectiveness of the private sector approaches to the fight against AIDS. Trevor Neilson also expressed the hope that the fact that the only Eastern European member-company of the GBC, Interpipe, is based in Ukraine, might cause an impact at the rise of social activity among regional business leaders.  Elena Pinchuk and Trevor Neilson decided to strengthen cooperation between ANTIAIDS Foundation and Global Business Coalition in order to make Ukraine a model for business leaders in Eastern Europe and Asia in the near future.

At the reception, organized by the Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, Elena Pinchuk discussed worldwide situation with HIV/AIDS with the U-2 frontman, Bono, who is famous for his activity in the fight against AIDS.

Strong business orientation of the WEF and its members, gave unique opportunity to discuss social issues with the private sector representatives. During the Forum Elena Pinchuk took part in discussions with representatives of WPP, Ranbaxy, LaFarge and Merck.

Elena Pinchuk described her participation at the Global Health Initiative as a perfect opportunity to exchange experience, to learn the latest international trends in the fight against AIDS and to attract attention of the business leaders towards the situation with HIV/AISD in Ukraine.

For detailed information, please, contact Pavel Piminov, Communications Director, Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation on E-mail: [email protected]. Contact phone number: +380 44 490 4805.

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