We are joining forces to help Ukraine

The war continues. Terrible and bloody.
During this time, our country has grown, matured and strengthened. During this time, Ukrainians underwent an accelerated program of all stages of adoption and organized into a powerful fist. All people in the country and abroad are now working like clockwork for one common goal - victory.
The enemy was not ready for such fierce resistance, such a will to freedom, such a wonderful self-organization of ordinary people. All this demoralizes the occupier, he weakens, panics, runs away. But, unfortunately, the war continues. And we all have a lot of work to do.
Today is March 8, an important day. For the past three days, Russian troops have disrupted the evacuation of civilians from particularly affected areas. But after yesterday's third round of talks between the Ukrainian and Russian delegations, we are trying to evacuate people from besieged towns and villages. We hope that the occupiers will not break once again our agreements on green corridors and a ceasefire.
Our doctors and firefighters are working tirelessly to save people across the country. The military is fighting for our freedom. And volunteers provide invaluable assistance to civilians, the military and special services.
The Olena Pinchuk Foundation is currently transferring funds and cooperating extensively with volunteer headquarters in Poland as part of a joint initiative of Victor and Olena Pinchuk to purchase tactical medicine and humanitarian aid. Where powerful work has begun today to help refugees and evacuees, of whom more than a million have already been received in Poland.
At the same time, Poland is the epicenter of the work of sending a large number of cargoes with humanitarian, medical and strategic assistance to the army and civilians of Ukraine.
Only by uniting will we be able to overcome any threat to Ukraine and the world. And today we are successfully maintaining these boundaries.