27 June, 2019 11:34

Dialogue Hub has its own telegram channel

This is the Dialog Hub’s, which is located on 43, Volodymyrska str., telegram channel - the space for open conversations. From now on, this link https://t.me/dialoghub will always help you find current and up-to-date information about the schedule, all topics of lectures and trainings that will take place at the educational hub of the Elena Pinchuk Foundation.
Dialogue Hub has its own telegram channel / Elena Pinchuk Foundation

And we have something to talk about, especially with teenagers!

Interesting lectures on sexual education and Internet cyber security for teens are held in our space.

We have educational activities on sexual education for parents and children and encourage them to engage in the dialogue.

We have a psychologist's office.

At the Dialog Hub you can be tested for HIV, hepatitis B and C and syphilis. We have Kyiv City AIDS Center’s office, where anyone can take rapid HIV test in just 15 minutes. It is open Mon-Fri 1 – 8 pm and weekends from 12 to 6 pm.

Every Wednesday at 7 pm we are holding mentoring meetings with successful women within the framework of the project "I Can!"

Dialog hub is an educational space of the Elena Pinchuk Foundation


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