Elena Pinchuk Foundation opens office for anonymous HIV infection testing

The first month the office will work in the test mode according to the following schedule:
Mon - Fri from 2 pm to 8 pm.
How the test is done?
It is free and anonymous. In our office, you will be verbally informed about your result, but you will not be provided with the written note. You will also receive a free consultation. If you need a written note of you result - you need to have a passport with you.
What to do if your test is "positive"?
In this case, a retest using different method is carried out immediately. And if the second test shows a positive result, we issued a certificate according to the document. You will be advised and sent to the AIDS Center for a final test. These centers are available in every region and big cities throughout Ukraine. For the third test, the blood sample is drawn only from the vein. This test would be considered final.
What is the “Window”?
This is the time gap between the moment, when a "risky situation" occurred up to the time of the HIV antibodies where detected in the body.
What to do if you had a risky contact with an HIV-positive person?
Provided you have not exceeded 72 hours from the moment of a risky contact and you went to the AIDS Center to get help with post-exposure prophylaxis during this time - you can avoid infection.
Take care of your health - come and take a test! It is only 15 minutes and it is anonymous and free!