1 December, 2020 06:39


These lines are about the epidemic, but not the one that provokes majority of publications and conversations these days. Today, the fact that the coronavirus is not the first epidemic of modern times to cover almost the entire planet, is rarely mentioned.
THE FIRST WORLD WAVE / Elena Pinchuk Foundation

The first wave that hit the world was AIDS. It was and still remains an epidemic. Especially now that the focus of humanity has shifted away from it. 

Despite the great differences between the two epidemics, they have many similarities. The rate of spread of the epidemic in most countries is alarmingly high. And both threats can be dealt with quite effectively if simple security measures are followed.

Today, AIDS must remind us of very important things. Panic before the coronavirus must not obscure the needs and vulnerabilities of chronically ill people. People diagnosed with HIV/AIDS are one of the most vulnerable categories, they belong to one of the most alarming risk groups during a coronavirus pandemic. It is unfair to forget about them. Many years of experience fighting against AIDS proves that personal protection measures work.

The constant use of condoms and disposable syringes really helps to reduce HIV spread. There is no doubt that the same strict wearing of masks and social distance can slow the spread of the coronavirus and, in particular, reduce the risk for the most vulnerable people. Responsible behavior increases our chances of getting to the times when the coronavirus dies down. But relief from the end of the pandemic cannot be a reason to relax.

Here is a very important difference between AIDS and COVID, you can’t get vaccinated against AIDS. This means that responsible behavior and basic but mandatory security measures must remain the norm for all of us in the post-COVID era. In short, we protect ourselves from COVID, but do not forget about AIDS.

Founder Elena Pinchuk

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