23 April, 2010 13:31

Elena Pinchuk received award from Ukrainian designers in the nomination "Inspiration"

On April, 20 2010 during the ceremony of the First Ukrainian Awards in Fashion BEST FASHION AWARDS in the cultural and art complex "Mystetskiy Arsenal" Elena Pinchuk, the founder of ANTIAIDS Foundation, was awarded in the nomination "Inspiration".
Elena Pinchuk received award from Ukrainian designers in the nomination "Inspiration" / Elena Pinchuk Foundation
Author: Ukrainian Fashion Week

This award is presented to the person who inspires designers by his actions and achievements and personifies style and fashion. The decision was made by designers – participants of Ukrainian Fashion Week.

Besides that, Elena Pinchuk presented one of the main awards - "The best designer of women clothes" – to Liliya Poustovit.

The history of inspired relationships between Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation and Ukrainian designers:

In 2007 before the start of the project Elena Pinchuk, Founder of ANTIAIDS Foundation, met top Ukrainian designers to inform them about the scale of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ukraine and its consequences for the thousands lives of Ukrainians. The story thrilled. As a result leaders of the fashion-society formed the core of the creative group which had represented social fashion show against AIDS for the third season.

March, 2007. At the catwalk of UFW Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation presented social brand Fashion AID. At that time 30 designers united to claim their social position and created red attires dedicated to the fight against AIDS. That collection was sold on charitable auction organized by ANTIAIDS Foundation and raised 203 260 USD. These means were spent to support two families that fostered eight HIV-positive children. That was precedent for Ukraine, because orphans with HIV diagnosis have never been adopted before. To improve living conditions of these kids Foundation bought house and flat in Makeyevka for these foster families; the part of means directed to the project of financial support HIV-positive children by deposit account, to arrangement of the playground in Kiev orphanage "Berezka", to summer vacation of HIV-positive orphans from Odessa, Poltava, Kiev.

October, 2007. Fresh wind of the project Fashion AID: Ukrainian celebrities together with HIV-positive people stepped at the catwalk of UFW. For the first time in Ukrainian fashion history present Miss World 2006 - Tatyana Kucharova - took part at the defile. "HIV/AIDS is not a verdict. Live is going on! And the happiness is real!" - 38 designers claimed and presented wedding collection Love Fashion AID. It symbolized hope that lived in the thousands hearts of HIV-positive people. This collection broke the record of Ukrainian charitable auctions - 535 000 USD were raised during the biddings. Funds were directed for the reconstruction works of Lavra clinic that is the basis of research activities and treatment of the most difficult HIV/AIDS cases in Ukraine. Intensive therapy unit of the clinic was equipped with the latest technics. Doctors got consumables necessary for equipment' functioning during the year and means of individual protection. But the most serious purchase was device necessary for HIV-positive people immunity status analysis (particularly CD-4 lymphocytes). And it is the first device in Ukraine which represent new generation of labware. Part of the sum was directed for the reconstruction of the Kiev maternity hospital where HIV-positive women stay.

October, 2008. ""Everybody in the war against AIDS!" - best Ukrainian designers appeal and on October, 20 demonstrated at the catwalk of Ukrainian Fashion Week (UFW) the third social collection named AIDS Army Fashion in the context of the project Fashion AID dedicated to the fight against AIDS. 32 designers took part in the joint-project of Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation and UFW and created military-style items. Opinion leaders of politic, show-business, TV and sport were mobilized for this social action by ANTIAIDS Foundation. This project is social that's why for its organizes is very important to invite for defile not only professional models but opinion leaders, Olympic champions, celebrities and TV stars. All participants of the project jointed their efforts in spite of the difference in their politic and corporative positions. They are not indifferent to the future of Ukraine and lives of HIV-positive Ukrainians. Their example can draw attention of millions Ukrainians to this problem.

On March, 31 2009 Elena Pinchuk, Founder of the ANTIAIDS Foundation, and participants of Fashion AID project handed over to 5 regional AIDS Centers unique autos to help HIV-positive children. Five mobile clinics departed from Kiev to the regions the most affected by the epidemic. Mobile clinics aimed to grant thousands of HIV-positive children with regular access to the qualified help of pediatricians and infectiologists. The project will cover 5, 5 thousands children affected by HIV/AIDS epidemic in need of medical treatment and care. Mobile clinics resulted from the largest charitable auction in the history of Ukraine - AIDS Army Fashion. It was organized by Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation on November, 29 2008. During the auction' biddings 580 000 USD were raised - that is absolute record at the history of charitable auctions in Ukraine. One third of this sum was gained because of the unique lots granted by Vitaliy and Wladimir Klitschko, Box-World-Champions.


The main aim of the BEST FASHION AWARDS is to determine and represent the leaders of Ukrainian fashion to national and international audience, to note worthily the achievements of designers in development of fashion, fashion industry creation and Ukraine's positive image promotion abroad.

Premium is called to raise the authority of designers in Ukraine and to inspire them for creative work and professional development. Ceremony of BEST FASHION AWARDS will take place annually on April and will become the brightest event of fashion, culture and social life of the country.

BEST FASHION AWARDS prizes were estimated by special created group of experts by the collections of two last seasons. This year the experts were fashion-journalists, fashion critics, buyers and opinion-leaders.

The most outstanding and active members of the society were invited to present the Awards.

Founders of BEST FASHION AWARDS are organizing committee of Ukrainian Fashion Week and "Kozyrnaya Karta" restaurant family.

For detailed information, please, contact Pavel Piminov, Communications Director, Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation: +380 67 466 8736, [email protected] 

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