4 April, 2022 12:07

Armored ambulances for Ukraine

Victor and Elena Pinchuk will hand over the first batch of armored ambulances to emergency doctors

Armored ambulances for Ukraine / Elena Pinchuk Foundation

Victor and Olena Pinchuk will hand over the first batch of 7 STANAG 4569 armored ambulances to emergency physicians to rescue wounded soldiers and civilians from the affected area.

Armored vehicles that can reliably protect our brave medics and soldiers and civilians will be sent from Great Britain next week.

These cars, which belonged to the British Ministry of Defense, were converted into ambulances with all the necessary medical equipment by the largest British ambulance manufacturer - Venari Group, which did so on a non-profit basis. Employees of Venari Group work 24/7 to produce these cars for Ukraine as soon as possible.

Victor and Olena Pinchuk would like to thank the Embassy of Ukraine in the United Kingdom, Venari Group and Member of the British Parliament Andrew Percy for their support and assistance in this project.

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