29 May, 2019 15:32

Elena Pinchuk Foundation opens anonymous HIV testing office

As early as May 14, HIV test can be done at our educational center on Volodymyrska Str. 43.
Elena Pinchuk Foundation opens anonymous HIV testing office / Elena Pinchuk Foundation

Together with the Kiev AIDS Centre, we finally opened a rapid HIV testing office in the heart of the capital. Anyone can get tested. The first month the office will work in the test mode according to the following schedule:

Monday through Friday from 1:00 to 7:45 pm.

How does the test go?

It is free and anonymous. In our office you will be orally informed about your result, but we won’t provide any written note. You will also receive a free consultation. If you need a written note with the result, you need to have a passport with you.

What to do if you have a "positive" test result?

In this case, a retest using another method is carried out immediately on the spot. And if the second test is positive you will be issued a note according to the document. You will be advised and sent for a final test to one of the AIDS Centers, which are available in every region and a big city throughout Ukraine. For this third test, the blood sample is taken only from the vein. This test is considered final.

 What is "Window"?

- This is the time interval between the moment when a "risky situation" occurred to the time of the detection of HIV antibodies in the body.

What to do if you had a risky contact with an HIV-positive person?

Provided you have not exceeded 72 hours from the moment of a risky contact and during that time you went for help to the AIDS Center to get the post-exposure prophylaxis - you can avoid infection.

Take care of your health - come and take a test! It takes 15 minutes only and it is anonymous and free!


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