18 September, 2006 08:40

Signature of the Agreement of Cooperation between Clinton’ Foundation, Elena and Victor Pinchuk

 Signature of the Agreement of Cooperation between Clinton’ Foundation, Elena and Victor Pinchuk / Elena Pinchuk Foundation
New York, September 18, 2006 – President Bill Clinton and two Ukrainian foundations, headed by Elena Franchuk and Victor Pinchuk, signed an agreement of cooperation today that will expand the work against HIV/AIDS in Ukraine. Under the agreement Ukraine will receive access to the best practices to fight epidemics and the latest know-how in the area of HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care. The Elena Franchuk ANTIAIDS foundation will cooperate with Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative for the next five years in implementing project aimed at reducing HIV/AIDS escalation, care and support of people living with HIV/AIDS in Ukraine. Elena Franchuk and Victor Pinchuk are contributing US$2.5 million toward the project. Photogallery
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