13 September, 2008 10:28

Concert Queen + Paul Rodgers in Kharkov (2008)

Ushering in the start of their massive European tour Queen + Paul Rodgers made a mighty impact on September,12 2008 with a special one-off concert to support Elena Franchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation' informative campaign in Ukraine. Playing an awareness-raising outdoor concert in Kharkov's Freedom Square, the second largest Square in Europe, at the event organized by the Elena Franchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation and supported by Queens' own HIV/AIDS charity, The Mercury Phoenix Trust, the show by Queen + Paul Rodgers attracted more than 350,000 to see the overture concert for its 33-city tour of Europe and immediately entered the record books as the biggest charity event devoted to the fight against AIDS in Ukraine.
Concert Queen + Paul Rodgers in Kharkov (2008) / Elena Pinchuk Foundation
Author: Michail Nikipelov-Kontorovich | Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation
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