Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation website update

"When assessing the website design and structure, we tried to make the new site easy to navigate and modern in appearance while showcasing all achievements and projects of the Foundation during its 11 years of its existence. These objectives were achieved. In addition, I want to say that it was a great pleasure to work on the project and that I am really proud of the outcome. This is my first but not the last project for Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation", says Yulia McGuffie.
"There is nothing more stimulating for development and progress than cooperation with true professionals. I am sincerely grateful to Yulia McGuffie for her work. Our website has become more interesting and functional", says Elena Pinchuk, founder of ANTIAIDS Foundation.
The new website was created with an adaptive design. This means that it is correctly displayed on all types of fixed or mobile devices and all its content will dynamically adjust to the size of the screen being viewed. This design will provide an opportunity to expand the audience to those who prefer to use smartphones and tablets when working in the Internet – during the last year the number of such users accessing the Foundation’s website has doubled.
One of the main challenges with the website, namely the improvement of visual presentation the Foundation’s projects, was solved in cooperation with the development team of the Palaemo company. During the 11 years of its operation, the Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation has accumulated an enormous multi-media archive, the materials of which are fully integrated to all sections of the site. The site, in particular, provides data on information campaigns created upon the initiative of the Foundation since its establishment in 2003.
The brightest Foundation’s projects are newly embodied in the format of story-telling. This format, which is used for special projects by the world's largest Internet media companies, combines text, photo and video materials incorporated in a singular story. The format of story-telling on the new site presents the most creative partnership projects, with sections on cooperation with the Elton John AIDS Foundation, the Clinton Foundation and the band Queen, as well as a section about the founder of the ANTIAIDS Foundation, Elena Pinchuk.
A special section on the site provides three news feeds, namely AIDS: global picture, AIDS in Ukraine: news and AIDS in Ukraine: statistics. The "Foundation" section contains a news feed dedicated to its activities, information on the Foundation and its partners. Complete detail of the financial statements of the Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation, annually audited by the Ernst & Young company in accordance with International standards on auditing, are also presented in this section.
The website’s navigation system operates at three levels, namely at the level of thematic sections, as well as at the level of tags, allowing the rapid display of a set of materials in relation to a specific project or the Foundation’s areas of work; and finally at the level of topics, featuring special search templates available on any page of the site.
The website received updated functionality for fundraising (operating in test mode yet), namely a full-fledged Internet acquisition that will increase the reliability and speed of the donation process via credit card; as well as new channels for fundraising, those being the main network of payment terminals and specialized payment systems.
Along with the main website, two specialized sub-sites were also updated. The first is a resource for doctors that is filled with professional information for those who provide medical care to HIV-positive people. The second is a resource for journalists who create materials on the topic of HIV/AIDS. It contains useful background information and announcements of events held by HIV service organizations.
The Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation website was launched in February 2005 and operated with minor transformations and additions until November 2014. Over time, this Internet platform was supplemented with pages of information for special projects lead by the Foundation and used for dissemination of information and solicitation of users for charitable support of the Foundation.
For more detailed information on this initiative please contact Pavel Piminov, Communications Director of the Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation: +380 44 490 4805, [email protected].