Miss World took part in the social defile Love Fashion AID in Ukraine

Tat’ana Kucharova arrived in Kiev the day before charitable show together with Julia Morley, Miss World Organization Chairman and Chief Executive. They came to meet in person with HIV-positive people and to know more about HIV/AIDS problem in Ukraine. On Tuesday morning Tat’ana Kucharova, Julia Morly and Elena Pinchuk, Founder of the ANTIAIDS Foundation, had a meeting with the medical staff and patients of the Lavra clinic that helps people with HIV/AIDS. They also visited Kiev orphanage “Berezka”, the home for HIV-positive children.
“I was impressed with HIV/AIDS situation in Ukraine, with the epidemic rates and the numbers of affected people and children. And first of all, I want to help people living with HIV/AIDS. I think, it’s great that so many prominent and successful Ukrainian people united to draw attention to the AIDS problem”, - Tat’ana Kucharova says.
Miss World traditionally participates in the numerous charitable programs all over the world. In Ukraine she was invited by Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation to participate in the social defile Love Fashion AID. She stepped at the catwalk hand by hand with HIV-positive people and Ukrainian celebrities.
“Love Fashion AID project united many Ukrainian celebrities who agreed to support HIV-positive people and to attract attention to the HIV/AIDS problem in our country. We should keep reminding to the society that Ukraine has the fastest growing HIV/AIDS rates in Europe. While we invest skills and resources in treatment and support of one infected person, HIV is affecting dozens of Ukrainians. If AIDS is the disease of concrete person, HIV epidemic is the disease of the society. We are happy that celebrities, loved by millions of people, made their contribution to the fight against this epidemic. Celebrities are the role models, especially for youth, the most vulnerable group. And it is very important that their idols demonstrated their social position, stepping at the catwalk hand by hand with HIV-positive people. It give us hope that we can change attitude of the society towards AIDS problem and that we have chance to combat stigma and discrimination connected with HIV”, - Founder of the ANTIAIDS Foundation, Elena Pinchuk, says.
After the show Love Fashion AID, all items will be sold on charitable auction and all funds raised will be directed to support Lavra clinic that helps patients with HIV/AIDS from all over Ukraine.
That was already the second fashion show of Ukrainian designers organized in the context of ANTIAIDS Foundation project Fashion AID and aimed to support people living with HIV. The first collection created by Ukrainian designers was represented in March, 2007 during Ukrainian Fashion Week. At that time 30 designers united to claim their social position and created red attires dedicated to the fight against AIDS. That collection was sold on charitable auction organized by ANTIAIDS Foundation and raised 203 260 USD. These means were spent to support two families that fostered eight HIV-positive children. That was precedent for Ukraine, because orphans with HIV diagnosis have never been adopted before. To improve living conditions of these kids Foundation bought house and flat in Makeyevka for these foster families; the part of means directed to the project of financial support HIV-positive children by deposit account, to arrangement of the playground in Kiev orphanage “Berezka”, to summer vacation of HIV-positive orphans from Odessa, Poltava, Kiev.
Tat’ana Kucharova (Czech Republic) became a winner of the 56th beauty contest «Miss World-2006», that took place in Warsaw, Poland. 19 years old student was born in Trnava, Slovakia and grew up in Opocno, Czech Republic. She is keen on tennis, volleyball, riding, skating and dances. After graduating from the University Tat’ana wants to be a model. In 2006 jury chose the world beauty among more than hundred candidates from over the world. She got the crown from the winner of previous contest “Miss World”, from Iceland. There were 104 beauties from over the world. Representatives of Angola, Australia, Brazil, Czech Republic, Jamaica and Rumania reached the final. The show from Warsaw Congress hall was broadcasted live to 200 countries, almost two billions people was watching the broadcast of the show.
Julia Morley, “Miss World” Organization Chairman and Chief Executive. Julia headed the “Miss World” committee at 2000, after the death of her husband, Eric Morley. The first “Miss World” contest took place in 1951 as a part of New Year entertainment. First it was created as a bikini festival. TV broadcast started on BBC and then expanded over the world. Annually contest final ceremony is held in the best halls of the world’s capitals. The nearest contest will be in China on December, 1 2007.
Elena Pinchuk founded ANTIAIDS Foundation in September, 2003. The foundation goal is to help Ukraine in the fight against HIV/AIDS, reduction of HIV rates and support people living with HIV/AIDS by improving their quality of life. The Foundation main activities are aimed at implementing of the large-scale informational and educational campaigns, providing the direct support to people living with HIV/AIDS and attracting of the international partners for supporting relevant projects on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.
For detailed information, please, contact Pavel Piminov, Communications Director, Elena Pinchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation on e-mail: P.Piminov@antiaids.org. Contact phone number: +38 (044) 490 4805.