30 Ukrainian designers and Elena Franchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation joined efforts in the fight against AIDS

The demonstration of the FASHION AID collection has become spectacular final point of the next to last day of the jubilee, 20th Ukrainian Fashion Week. Before the show started, guests were at a loss of what was yet to come. In the hall everybody could enjoy the dresses, created by young designers from Contex condoms, promoting the idea of safe sex. Thirty models, representing red images, created by 30 best Ukrainian designers, came out to the red illuminated catwalk.
Red color, the symbol of the fight against AIDS, has become the key element not only in images of the collection, but in the logo of the project: the red heart with little rays became a newly fashion symbol of the support of HIV positive people, and a part of the social brand logo FASHION AID, created by Elena Franchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation. All funds raised from the sale of the items, produced under this brand, will be directed to satisfy the most urgent needs of the people living with HIV/AIDS.
The performance was finalized by HIV positive boy and girl, who pulled apart the symbolic curtains, which divided, by the author’s idea, people from the AIDS problem. Behind it, all the participants of the project were standing by created images. The press conference of the designers, Elena Franchuk and the head of the org-committee of the UFW, Irina Danilevskaya, took place after the show.
"The show was dedicated to AIDS problem, - Elena Franchuk, the founder of the ANTIAIDS Foundation said, - and it is very important, that 30 Ukrainian designers stated openly their social position, as millions of young people will pay attention to their opinion. It is of great importance today to attract especially their attention, to save their lives and health".
Brilliant social show was staged by Alexey Zalevskiy. AIDS subject was demonstrated already in his autumn collection, created under the support of Elena Franchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation in October, 2006. Then, epatage entry of the models, with syringes and blown condoms on the heads, was discussed in media for a long time; periodicals, which had never raised the subject before, wrote about AIDS problem (autumn collection is available at the Foundation website – www.antiaids.org.
Long ago such actions became the compulsory part of the most fashionable events of the year in the west countries. But it is the first step for Ukraine in the attraction of the attention of creative people to AIDS problem.
In March 22, famous businessmen, pop-stars, diplomats and politicians will be invited to the charity auction, orginized by Elena Franchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation in cooperation with All-Ukrainian Network of people living with HIV. Funds raised from the sale of the Fashion AID collection will be directed to the foster families for HIV positive orphans. A part of the funds will be directed to the first Ukrainian hospital for HIV positive children and children with AIDS.
Media-partners of the FASHION AID project: M1, STB, Novy Canal and ICTV TV channels, «Facts» newspaper, «Thing», «Focus» and «Personal Time» magazines, PR-agency «New Image Ukraine».
For detailed information, please, contact Pavel Piminov, Communications Director, Elena Franchuk ANTIAIDS Foundation on e-mail: [email protected]. Contact phone number: +38 (044) 490 4805.