Dialog hub presents a unique summer camp for teens

The day camp program is built based on the very popular among teenagers 2019 British TV show Sex Education on Netflix.
We have combined English language classes and sex education. Every day, together with the Corker.ua team, we will watch one episode in the original language and figure out teen slang and dirty talk. And after that we will discuss the most important moments of the episode with the residents of the dialogue hub and invited experts:
- sexual identity,
- risky sexual behavior,
- unwanted pregnancy,
- Internet security,
- drug use,
- bulling,
- adulthood and hormonal storms.
The camp schedule also includes FAST Lifesaver first aid course, Discipline Club Training, immersion in photography with Canon, and even an Old Town walking tour.
Besides that, Yevgeniya Aratovska, the founder of the NGO “Ukraine without Garbage” will visit the camp. She will explain why and how to sort the garbage and where the sorted garbage goes. During the camp, participants will learn how to take the first steps in sorting.
During two weeks, camp participants will have the opportunity to meet with Olga Rudneva, director of the Elena Pinchuk Foundation, Kolya Serga, host of "Orel and Reshka", Karyna Havrylyuk, heroine of the TV series "Kyiv Day and Night", Oksana Nechyporenko, director of the GoOffice, and be inspired by their success stories.
One day, we scheduled a visit to the Veteran Hub, where a photo exhibition of the multimedia project "Touch" is being held. It displays stories of the Ukrainian military return to peaceful life. Each photo of the project "tells" the story of one of the families who participated in the project "Touch" using a unique QR code.
The Veteran Hub is a joint project of the Elena Pinchuk, Victor Pinchuk, and Pobratymy foundations aiming at providing centralized services to veterans, security sector workers, their relatives and loved ones, and to support their integration into civilian life.
- Age of participants: 12 - 15 years.
- Date: July 15 - 26 (every weekday).
- Time: 10am - 6pm.
- Cost: UAH 3,000. (includes lunches and snacks).
- Registration form: https://forms.gle/J63ZMEP1iRQmyZRN6.
Lecture details:
"Watch out! Bulling”, Tetyana Repede Vice President, “Healthy Childhood Without Borders” NGO
Let's get acquainted with a concept of bulling. We are working to prevent bullying and support children who are traumatized. We are talking about ways to reduce teenage aggression and increase awareness through emotional intelligence. We are learning to identify and enhance emotional intelligence.
NGO Healthy Childhood Without Borders takes measures to ensure adequate protection of motherhood and childhood; providing legal assistance to large families; comprehensive development of children both in Ukraine and abroad; combating domestic and gender-based violence against women; preventing and counteracting bullying in educational institutions.
"Perception of Self" by Zarina Davletshyna, psychotherapist
Accept yourself? It is easy to say and not easy to do. Hair grows all over the body, breasts either small or too big, acne, height, weight, voice, big nose ... they all have something that causes irritation when looking in the mirror. And in the period of hormone rage and intense sexual desire, we are talking about teens - it becomes a huge problem on the way to the realization of their desires. We will talk about how to accept ourselves and changes in the body.
"What the girl is made of", gynecologist
The gynecologist will tell you about the reproductive age, menstrual cycle, contraceptives, pregnancy control, risk situations and solving any difficult situations within the medical field.
"Safe Races or the Rules of Sex", by Christina Shapran and Valentyn Bobruyko, residents of the Dialog hub
In the form of a game, the students will be divided into teams. The goal of each team is to go through three games without receiving a "red mark" (a sign that you sometimes risk health). Games are simple and, of course, safe. You hear the big myths and the truth - how people actually get infected and in which cases it is impossible to catch HIV.
The game form will also show you what you really know about intimate safety and health and whether you can trust anyone other than yourself. And also, competitions on putting on condoms will take place. You will figure out how to do it right to really protect yourself.
"Honest Talk About Drugs", Yaroslav Blyakharskyi, psychotherapist, chemical addiction prevention consultant
Nowadays, drugs are talked about more than ever. In movies, books, in popular music. The signs written on the wall and on the asphalt tell us how to buy drugs quickly. You hear about them in conversations with peers - friends, acquaintances, or strangers. This all seems very interesting and seductive!
You may have seen or been offered drugs. You may find yourself in a situation where you try them. But would you get enough information from someone to make the right decision: try it or not! You won’t have enough time, courage, awareness or even just desire.
We offer you a conversation about what interests you, the opportunity to ask any questions and get only the right answers.
"Porn, Movies, and Real Sex," by Kristina Shapran, resident of Dialogue Hub
Hollywood has long been a blacksmith shop for sexual fantasies. Every second person tried at least once to do it "like Kim Basinger in" 9 ½ Weeks "or Sharon Stone in" Basic Instinct ". Not to mention the expectations after watching porn.
Sound familiar?.. Stop! ✋ Before arranging a Hollywood for your partner, let's talk openly about how erotic movie scenes are created and whether they should be repeated in real life.
In addition, let's get acquainted with the stories of porn actors who will tell the prose of backstage life.
Spoiler: having movie sex is dangerous for your health!
"Internet Safety - What Teens Know About", Anastasiya Dyakova, national expert on child protection against violence
During the lecture we will discuss:
- send intimate photos on social networks, why it's unsafe and how it may end;
- how intimate photos can be a reason for bulling among peers;
- all about the safety of photos on social networks, how not to become the target of criminald and avoid ridicule among peers.
"Conflicts done right", Nonna Telyukh, psychologist
Is anger really an uncontrollable feeling? We all know a situation where negative emotions suddenly overwhelm - and a conflict erupts. We shout and can say something that will regret later on. Later we will say that we simply "broke down": as if at a certain moment everything was happening by itself and you didn’t have any control over it.
During the master class, you will learn how to prevent quarrels and how to deal with them when the conflict flared up.
We consider:
- How to evaluate conflict - positive or negative?
- Why do people have conflicts? (consider what can lead to conflict).
- Kinds of conflict.
- Symptoms of an emerging conflict.
We will work on:
- “self-expression” (we will learn to convey our thoughts without blaming or offending others),
- methods of communication in a conflict situation (we will study techniques that help to cope with emotions during a conflict).
The master class combines theoretical knowledge, exercises and even games that will help you gain experience in constructively solving conflict situations. In other words, learning how to argue properly, less angry, and developing relationships with others.
"Identity, orientation and tolerance", Maryna Didenko, psychologist
Within the lecture, we will explain the variety of social and gender roles, talk about sexual orientation and identity. Let's get acquainted with the concepts of "gender equality", "tolerance", "discrimination" and more. Let us think about what all people are alike in, and what make them different, where there is a norm and in what plane: social, medical, legal.
"The first experience of a serious relationship", Zarina Davletshyna, psychotherapist
The series "Sex education" - begins with fun and easy, "everyone is either having sex, or thinking about it". After several episodes, the characters are facing some adult challenges, they will have to think about responsibility.
We see couples seeking help from Otis for sexual problems. Practically during every consultation "sexologist" talks about emotional bonding in a couple, the importance of hearing each other and being honest ... then sex will be good.
At the lecture "The experience of the first serious relationship" we will talk about what you should pay attention to, to have positive experience.
The FAST lifesaver First Aid course includes
- Situation assessment, identification of situations requiring lifeguard intervention within the course.
- An ambulance call.
- Adopting primary personal safety measures.
- Assessment of the victim's consciousness.
- Opening the airways of an unconscious person.
- Breath assessment by the HF method.
- Moving the victim into a safe position.
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (hands only CPR).
- Artificial lung ventilation and the use of automatic external defibrillators (optional skills).
- Detection of suspected stroke.
- Detection of suspected heart attack.
- Assistance to a seizing person.
- Assistance in obstruction of the respiratory tract (a chocking person).
FAST teaches first aid and fire safety, supplies the right equipment and implements innovative projects for the safety of human life and business.
FAST is trusted by the largest Ukrainian and international NGOs: Metinvest Holding, Ukrgazvydobuvannya, Ukrnafta, DTEK, Kernel, METRO Cash & Carry Ukraine, Unilever, Kyivstar, Red Bull, Elena Pinchuk Foundation, "Tabletochki" and others.
Photo marathon CANON
The idea of the marathon is to engage a young audience in the art of photography.
Today, everybody creates lots of images with the camera in their smartphone. We want to tell and show how important it is to put meaning into every photo and how to do it right, because in the modern world, photography is the primary means of communication.
Canon is the world leader in the photo market. This is the only brand that uses just its own production when creating a photo or video camera. Canon is one of the TOP 5 companies in the world by the number of patents and more than 4,000 of them in the field of photo technology. Canon makes any photographer happy: from world-class professionals to ordinary users.
In today's world, photography is a special language of communication, and Canon's mission is to make that language beautiful and understandable to all.