15 August, 2007 09:47
Statistics on HIV/AIDS in Ukraine on 01.07.2007
Current state on 01.07.2007 registers 76 772 people with HIV/AIDS (164,2 persons per 100 thousands), 8 199 people were diagnosed with AIDS (17,4 persons per 100 thousands). Most affected regions remain Donetsk (364,1 persons per 100 thousands), Dnepropetrovsk (391,3 persons per 100 thousands) and Odessa (391,0 persons per 100 thousands).
Altogether starting from 1987, 114 770 HIV cases were registered, 20 587 AIDS cases, 11 391 people died of AIDS. 15 754 children were born to HIV-positive mothers, among them 636 got AIDS and 228 died of AIDS.
For six months of 2007, 10 125 new cases of HIV infection were registered in Ukraine, 2 736 AIDS cases. 1 408 people died of AIDS.
According to the current state on 01.07.2007 5 989 patients receive ARV treatment, among them 750 children (120 - at the expense of the national budget, 630 due to Global Foundation financing), and 5 239 adults (1 461 - at the expense of the national budget, 3 778 - due to Global Foundation financing).
Ukrainian AIDS Center