29 May, 2018 22:17
Elton John, David Furnish and Elena Pinchuk visited the first Medical center "100% of life" in Kyiv (PHOTO)
Elton John, David Furnish and Elena Pinchuk, joined by the Minister of Health Ulyana Suprun, visited the Medical center "100% of life" created by the All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV.

The Center is a part of the electronic medical system eHealth. It provides services to general patients, as well as to people living with HIV and risk groups. The guests were introduced to the doctors and patients of the Center. They inquired about the principles and standards of its operation. Medical center was opened due to financial support of many partners, including Elena Pinchuk Foundation, which covered costs for the latest equipment in gynecologist cabinet.
For detailed information, please, contact Pavel Piminov, Communications Director, Elena Pinchuk Foundation: +380 44 490 4805, [email protected].